• Loss and Damage Research Observatory
  • Loss and Damage Research Observatory

Call for Mentors
Empowering Researchers on Loss and Damage

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The Loss & Damage (L&D) Research Observatory will be supporting researchers and local organisations in Least Developed Countries (LDCs, Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and other developing countries through the Saleemul Huq Memorial Scholarship. This Scholarship aims to nurture researchers and organisations from the Global South to explore innovative solutions and strategies to address both the economic and non-economic dimensions of L&D. The initiative is an expansion of the experience of supporting researchers from global south in 2022 which led to the publication of: Loss and damage case studies from the frontline: a resource to support practice and policy and Living in the shadow of loss and damage: uncovering non-economic impacts published in November 2023. Building on the success and network created from the earlier effort, this scholarship will be managed as part of Alliance for Locally Led Approaches for Transformative Action on Loss and Damage ( ALL ACT ) and L&D Research Observatory . We invite experienced and dedicated professionals and experts to become ‘Mentors’ in this transformative research initiative.

The role of ‘Mentors’

Mentors play a crucial role in guiding, inspiring, and elevating the research capabilities of researchers and local organisations. Your involvement will be pivotal in:

  • Providing academic and research guidance tailored to the research project.

  • Offering insights into effective publication strategies to enhance the visibility and impact of research findings.

  • Facilitating future development opportunities in the area of research through networking and professional advice.

  • Supporting the dissemination of research outcomes at international forums and in high-impact journals.

Who should apply?

We seek mentors with:

  • A strong academic or professional background in climate change, environmental studies, social sciences, or related fields.

  • Experience in conducting high-quality research, particularly with a focus on loss and damage due to climate change.

  • A commitment to fostering the next generation of climate change researchers and practitioners.

  • Excellent communication and advisory skills, with the ability to provide constructive feedback and guidance.

How your participation will make a difference

By joining as a Mentor, you will:

  • Contribute to closing the significant knowledge gaps in the field of L&D research, especially from the perspectives and realities of LDCs and SIDS.

  • Empower researchers and local organisations by enhancing their research skills, boosting their confidence, and helping them navigate the challenges of academic publication and presentation.

  • Play a part in ensuring that local knowledge and experiences are integrated into global climate change frameworks, thus honouringDr. Saleemul Huq's vision of a resilient and equitable world.

  • Be part of a pioneering initiative that aims to build robust local research capacities, promote south-south and global collaboration, and influence policy discourse at national and international levels.

Honorarium and acknowledgement

To acknowledge the valuable contribution of our Mentors, an honorarium will be provided. Mentors will also be recognised for their crucial role in the publications and through various platforms and at the L&D Research Observatory website and events.

How to apply

Interested candidates are invited to submit their nominations through a dedicated link on the Loss and Damage Research Observatory website by 30 July 2024. Please include a brief statement of your experience, expertise, and your vision for mentoring early career researchers, along with your current CV.

Note: Only self-nominations are accepted. Nominations for others will not be considered.