• Loss and Damage Research Observatory
  • Loss and Damage Research Observatory

Virtual Training on Comprehensive Climate Impact Quantification (C-CIQ) Toolkit for Measuring Economic and Non-economic Loss and Damage Caused by Climate Change

November 07, 2024
11:00 - 15:00 (London time)

Online: Meeting link will be sent to registered participants



Date: 07 November 2024

Time: 11:00 - 15:00 (London time)

Where: Online: Meeting link will be sent to registered participants

Across the world, climate impacts such as extreme heat and floods are destroying lives, livestock, and property. Loss and damage occurs when the capacities of affected communities and countries are compromised to the extent that they can no longer absorb the effects of climate impacts or adapt to climate risks.

Climate-related loss and damage has consequences beyond the economic; these impacts are often referred to as non-economic loss and damage, such as the loss of cultural heritage. We urgently need to develop new ways to manage loss and damage risks, and to do this we need to understand and measure the full range of loss and damage. But current methodologies for understanding and measuring climate-related loss and damage have significant gaps.

Comprehensive Climate Impact Quantification (C-CIQ) Toolkit

The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) has developed a Comprehensive Climate Impact Quantification (C-CIQ) Toolkit to address the gaps in measuring both economic and non-economic loss and damage created by extreme climate events.

This toolkit offers a comprehensive step-by-step guide to quantifying and valuing economic and non-economic loss and damage, and co-developing policy and programmatic responses to manage climate risks. It demystifies complex analytical methods and makes them straightforward, easy to understand and versatile enough to be applied in diverse geographic and social contexts.

The C-CIQ toolkit is designed to be accessible to communities that have traditionally been excluded from complex climate assessment processes. It has the potential to help communities in the global South put a monetary value on climate impacts that might otherwise be ignored, including cultural erosion, loss of biodiversity and mental health issues.

This C-CIQ tool is currently being used in loss and damage research by 25 Saleemul Huq Memorial Scholarship Awardees from 22 countries in the Global South, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brazil, Democratic Republic of Congo, Dominica, Ecuador, India, Kenya, Libya, Malawi, Mali, Mongolia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe.

Virtual Training on C-CIQ Methodology

A virtual training is planned for 7 November 2024 between 11:00 and 15:00 (London time) to provide in-depth understanding and practical insights on how to contextualize and apply the 5-step process outlined in the toolkit for quantifying economic and non-economic damages and losses.

An IIED resource team that has developed and tested the practical application of the C-CIQ methodology in Mali and India will deliver the training. The training is offered in a virtual mode, with orientation on each of the C-CIQ steps, followed by adequate time for Q&A for clarification.

This training is open to researchers, practitioners and policy makers involved in climate research and action, with a particular interest in loss and damage issues. Zoom link will be provided to registered participants.